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How to use in-house speech models

This guide outlines the process for hosting and using our custom in-house Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech models using our specialized Docker image.

Prerequisite steps

Configure environment variables

To properly set the CUSTOM_TTS_ENDPOINT and CUSTOM_STT_ENDPOINT environment variables, open the .core_backend.env file and locate the lines for these variables. If they're commented out, uncomment them and ensure their values are set to the correct endpoint URLs for your in-house TTS and STT models (cf. Configuring AAQ).

Using In-house Speech Models in Deployment

To deploy in-house speech models, follow the deployment instructions in the QuickSetup with this additional step:

In "Step 5: Run docker-compose", append docker-compose.speech.yml -p to the docker compose command as below:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f -f \
docker-compose.speech.yml -p aaq-stack up -d --build

Setting Up In-house Models for Development

Currently the in-house models only work with the Docker Compose Watch dev setup. Use the following command:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f -f \
docker-compose.speech.yml -p aaq-stack up -d --build

Additional Resources

  1. How to use External Speech models
  2. Quick Setup with Docker Compose
  3. Setting up your development environment