In this section you can find the different components within AAQ.
User-facing Components
There are 3 main components in Ask-A-Question.
The Question-Answering Service
Integrate with these API endpoints to answer questions from your users.
The Urgency Detection Service
Integrate with this API endpoint to tag messages as urgent or not.
The Admin App
Manage content in the database. Manage urgency detection rules. Test the service in the playground. Explore usage dashboards.
Internal Components
Model Proxy Server
AAQ uses the LiteLLM Proxy Server for managing LLM and embedding calls, allowing you to use any LiteLLM supported model (including self-hosted ones).
Custom Align Score Model
(Optional) Use a custom dockerised AlignScore model to catch hallucination and check if LLM response is consistent with the context.
Hugging Face embeddings Model
(Optional) A dockerised huggingface text embeddings model to create vectors and perform vector search.