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Quick Setup with Docker Compose

Quick setup

You need to have installed Docker

Step 1: Clone the AAQ repository.

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the deployment/docker-compose/ subfolder.

cd deployment/docker-compose/

Step 3: Copy template.*.env files to .*.env:

cp template.base.env .base.env
cp template.core_backend.env .core_backend.env
cp template.litellm_proxy.env .litellm_proxy.env

Step 4: Configure LiteLLM Proxy server:

  1. (optional) Edit litellm_proxy_config.yaml with LLM services you want to use. See LiteLLM Proxy Server for more details.
  2. Update the API key(s) and authentication information in .litellm_proxy.env. Make sure you set up the correct authentication for the LLM services defined in litellm_proxy_config.yaml.

Step 5: Run docker-compose

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f \
    -p aaq-stack up -d --build

You can now view the AAQ admin app at https://$DOMAIN/ (by default, this should be https://localhost/) and the API documentation at https://$DOMAIN/api/docs (you can also test the endpoints here).

Step 6: Shutdown containers

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f -p aaq-stack down

Ready to deploy?

See Configuring AAQ to configure your app.