
Quarter Feature Status Description
Q4 2023 FastAPI Refactor ✅ Refactored to an all-components-in-one-repo codebase
Embeddings-based search ✅ Match user questions to content in the database using embeddings
Q1 2024 RAG responses ✅ Craft a custom response to the question using LLM based on retrieved content in the database
Guardrails ✅ Keep LLM responses friendly and strictly context-based
Q2 2024 Message Triaging ✅ Tag user messages with intents & flag urgency
Multi-user with Google log-in ✅ You can now have 1 AAQ deployment with multiple users, each with their own content DB
Support for, Glific integration ✅ Add AAQ to popular chat flow builders in social sector, like and Glific
Content Tags ✅ Add tags to your content for easy browsing (and more to come!)
Q3 2024 Analytics for Feedback and Content 🛠 See content use, questions that receive poor feedback, missing content, and more
Voice notes support 🛠 Automatic Speech Recognition for audio message to content matching
Multi-turn chat 📝 Refine or clarify user question through conversation.
Engineering Dashboard 📝 Monitor uptime, response rates, throughput HTTP response codes
Q4 2024 Personalization and contextualization 📝 Use contextual information to improve responses
Multimedia content 📝 Respond with not just text but images and audio as well.
A/B Testing 📝 Test and decide content that works better for users

✅: Completed
🛠: Under development
🚧: Queued
📝: Yet to be scoped

Beyond 2024

  • Multi-tenant architecture
  • User configurable Guardrails (in Admin app)
  • Feedback-based model/LLM fine tuning
  • Safety tests, fairness reports and ethical reviews