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Running validation

Currently, there is validation only for retrieval, i.e. POST /search endpoint with "generate_llm_response": false

To evaluate the performance of your model (along with your own configurations and guardrails), run the validation test(s) in core_backend/validation.

Retrieval (/search) validation

We evaluate the "performance" of retrieval by computing "Top K Accuracy", which is defined as proportion of times the best matching answer was present in top K retrieved contents.

Preparing the data

The test assumes the validation data contains a single label representing the best matching content, rather than a ranked list of all relevant content.

An example validation data will look like

query label
"How?" 0
"When?" 1
"What year was it?" 1
"May I?" 2

An example content data will look like

content_text label
"Here's how." 0
"It was 2024." 1
"Yes" 2

Setting up

  1. Create a new python environment:
    conda create -n "aaq-validate" python=3.10
    You can also copy the existing aaq environment.
  2. Install requirements. This assumes you are in project root ask-a-question.
    conda activate aaq-validate
    pip install -r core_backend/requirements.txt
    pip install -r core_backend/validation/requirements.txt
  3. Set environment variables.

    1. You must export the required environment variables. They are defined with default values in core_backend/validation/validation.env. To ensure that these env variables are set every time you activate aaq-validate, you can run the following command for each variable:

      conda env config vars set <VARIABLE>=<VALUE>

    2. For optional ones, check out the defaults in core_backend/app/configs/ and modify as per your own requirements. For example:

      conda env config vars set LITELLM_MODEL_EMBEDDING=<...>

    3. If you are using an external LLM endpoint, e.g. OpenAI, make sure to export the API key variable as well.
      conda env config vars set OPENAI_API_KEY=<Your OPENAI API key>

Running retrieval validation

In project root ask-a-question run the following command. (Perform any necessary authentication steps you need to do, e.g. for AWS login).

cd ask-a-question

python -m pytest core_backend/validation/ \
    --validation_data_path <path> \
    --content_data_path <path> \
    --validation_data_question_col <name> \
    --validation_data_label_col <name> \
    --content_data_label_col <name> \
    --content_data_text_col <name> \
    --notification_topic <topic ARN, if using AWS SNS> \
    --aws_profile <aws SSO profile name, if required> \
    -n auto -s
-n auto allows multiprocessing to speed up the test, and -s ensures logging by the test module is shown on your stdout.

For details of the command line arguments, see the "Custom options" section of the
output for the following command:
python -m pytest core_backend/validation/ --help