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Setup Instructions

Below is an example of how to connect a Journey to AAQ endpoints.

  1. On your page, go to the Journey menu.

    Click Journey menu

  2. Create New Journey.

    Click New Journey

  3. Select "From Scratch" -> "Code".

    Select From Scratch and then Code

  4. Type in your journey title and click "Next".

    Type in your journey title and click "Next".

  5. Copy and paste the contents of chat_managers/ in the AAQ repository into the Journey's code area.

    Copy and paste the journey code from chat_managers/ into the code area

  6. Replace <INSERT_AAQ_URL> and <INSERT_AAQ_API_KEY> values to your own AAQ URL and API key.

    Replace <INSERT_AAQ_URL> and <INSERT_AAQ_API_KEY> values to your own AAQ URL and API key.

  7. Test the bot in the emulator.

    Test in the emulator