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botpress logo Botpress v12
Setup Instructions

Below is an example of how to get Botpress v12 (OSS) running and connected to AAQ endpoints using a provided demo flow.

Note: Botpress v12 is open-source and available to self-host but Botpress Cloud is a different closed-source product.

Demo AAQ flow

  1. Once you have deployed Botpress v12 as per your requirements, go to the URL where the app is running
  2. Make an account and login
  3. Go to "Create Bot" and then "Import Existing" (you can set Bot ID to anything you want)
  4. Load the .tgz file given under chat_managers/botpress_v12/ in the AAQ repo
  5. Edit the "API Call" cards to reflect the AAQ endpoint URL that you have running *

    a. Click on the card

    b. Click on "Edit skill"

    c. Change the base of the URL at the top

    d. If you've changed the bearer token for the QA endpoints, you'll have to update the headers sections too

  6. Test the bot in the emulator

* Errors with using localhost on the API Call skill?

If you're having trouble with localhost AAQ calls, try forwarding traffic through ngrok and using that for deployment of AAQ.

  1. Install and configure ngrok

  2. Run ngrok http https://localhost to forward traffic

  3. In deployment/.env file, ensure you have

  4. In deployment/.env.nginx file ensure you have

    DOMAIN=[NGROK URL]  # don't add https/http at the front
  5. Change the base of the API Call skill so it looks like:

    [NGROK URL]/api/search

Self-hosted deployment

Option 1 - Via Docker Compose (behind Caddy with HTTPS)

Step 1: Navigate to chat_managers/botpress_v12/deployment/

Step 2: Copy template.env to .env and edit it to set the variables

Step 3: Run docker compose

docker compose -p botpress-stack up -d --build

You can now access Botpress at https://[DOMAIN]/

Step 4: Shutdown containers

docker compose -p botpress-stack down

Option 2 - Via Docker

To install through Docker (recommended), follow the official Botpress v12 docs here. In short:

  1. Get the image

    docker pull botpress/server
  2. Run the image

    docker run -d --name=botpress -p 3000:3000 botpress/server

Option 3 - Via executables

Follow the official docs here to set up Botpress v12 locally as per your OS.