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In this section you can find the different components within AAQ.

User-facing Components

There are 3 main components in Ask-A-Question.

  • The Admin App

    Manage content in the database. Manage urgency detection rules. Test the service's performance. Explore usage dashboards.

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  • The Question-Answering Service

    Integrate with these API endpoints to answer questions from your users.

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  • The Urgency Detection Service

    Integrate with this API endpoint to tag messages as urgent or not.

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Internal Components

  • Model Proxy Server

    AAQ uses the LiteLLM Proxy Server for managing LLM and embedding calls, allowing you to use any LiteLLM supported model (including self-hosted ones).

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  • Self-hosted Hugging Face Embeddings Model

    (Optional) A dockerised Hugging Face text embeddings model to create vectors and perform vector search.

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