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Introducing Urgency Detection

You may wish to handle urgent messages differently. For example, when deploying a question answering service in a health context, you may wish to refer the user to their nearest health center, or escalate it immediately to a human operator.

We introduce a new endpoint and new page in the Admin App to enable this.

Defining urgency rules

Using the Admin App, you can define your rules in natural language. For example, here are a few rules borrowed directly from the CDC website on Urgent Maternal Warning Signs:

Urgency rules

It's as simple as that. You don't need to train a model (though you can if you want to. See "Or write your own" below).

Using the urgency detection endpoint

You should refer to your Swagger UI/OpenAPI documentation for details but here is a screenshot for us lazy ones:

Urgency Detection Swagger

Pick your method

As of this blog post, there are two ways to determine urgency:

  1. Cosine Distance - It uses the cosine distance between the input and the urgency rules to determine urgency. It's simple and fast, but may not be as accurate as the next method.
  2. LLM Entailment - This calls an LLM to determine if the message matches the urgency rules. It's more accurate, but slower. Also, since it's making a call to the LLM, it is more expensive than the cosine distance method.

See setup sections on how to configure these.

Or write your own

May be you are not happy with either of these and want to try out that new entailment model. All you need to do is define your function with this signature:

async def your_fancy_method(
    asession: AsyncSession,
    urgency_query: UrgencyQuery,
) -> UrgencyResponse:

and you can update the URGENCY_CLASSIFIER environment variable to your_fancy_method.

Using a different model

Reminder that we setup a proxy server to make it easy to switch between models. If you want to use a different model, you can host it and update the LITELLM_MODEL_URGENCY_DETECT environment variable to point to your model.

Doc references